
Tips, advice, rants & raves, and even the occasional ramblings of a seasoned writer with more than 10 MILLION words under his hat.

Hiring a Cheap Writing Service Sounds Great, Until …

Hiring a Cheap Writing Service Sounds Great, Until …

... Months Later and You Realize NO ONE Cares About Your CONTENT! 7:30 in the evening and you’re finally able to check some stats on your website. Not much has changed in the months since you hired an inexpensive writing service, but you were told it might take a...

Ooh, Look … a Car!

Meh. It's a Lamborghini. I used to love Countach ... back when I was 15 or so. This video is a placeholder; these sports cars don't do much for me anymore (expect the Ferrari 380 ... oh boy, now we're talking). Enjoy, if that's your thing....

Why Invest in a Writing Service?

Why Invest in a Writing Service?

WHY INVEST IN A WRITING SERVICE? We hear you loud and clear. That’s not easy to do in this modern Internet Age. You’re up against the wall more often than you get to sit and relax. Whether you’ve hired a writing service before or not, every day it’s: Pop-up ads Slick...

Years of Experience

10 years in the business, 40 years as a creative force (since the days before I could actually form words on the page, my sister had the audacity to include me in The Pain and the Great One, a short snippet in which yours truly was clearly the main character. (I don't...

Not an Endorsement

Ah, Monsters University. Never saw it. Loved Monsters, Inc., though. As with many great ideas, too often we (the writers) can get in the way of the story and begin rattling it down piece by piece. I like the idea of a video...

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Twitter Interesting quotes are, well, interesting. Some inspire, some make us think, and some don't do much at all.
